Back To School Tips

Back To School Tips

Sending your kids back to school in the fall means a whirlwind of preparation, so teeth might be the last thing on your mind. But oral health is a constant issue, and it’s essential to be aware of it all the time. Here are a few dental health tips you can add to your back-to-school list.

Keep Up With Dental Visits

The American Dental Association recommends taking your kids to the dentist once every six months, so it’s a good idea to get it done before the school year starts. Regular trips to the dentist are the best way to avoid cavities or other possible oral health issues, so it’s important to keep up with your schedule. Staying on top of any potential problems is not only better for your kids, but it can prevent them from missing school later on as well. While you’re at it, make sure your children are brushing and flossing regularly before they head off to school. The ADA recommends brushing twice and flossing once daily, and the mornings are the best time to clear away any bacteria that appeared overnight.

Pick Healthy Snacks

When packing your child’s lunchbox, try to swap out sugary treats for more healthy alternatives. Candy, soda, and juice can all wreak havoc on your child’s enamel, so avoid sugar when possible. Starches are also tough on teeth, so try switching out crackers and granola bars for tooth-friendly alternatives like celery, carrots, or cheese cubes. Not only will this be better for your child’s teeth, but it can also help them develop healthier habits later in life.

Are you looking for some more tips? At Crossroads Family Dentistry, we’re happy to help. Give us a call now to set up an appointment or get a little more information about kid-friendly oral health.

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