Crossroads Family Dentistry wants you to have the information required to maintain good oral health, including the answers to these 3 common questions.
How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush? Our professional staff and the American Dental Association recommend that you change your toothbrush or toothbrush head for electric toothbrushes every 3 months. A good rule of thumb is to keep an eye on the bristles, if you notice that they have gotten frayed or harden before 3 months you know it’s time for a new brush. Once the bristles become too worn, they are more prone to lose the effectiveness of removing plaque. Children may want to change theirs more often because they tend to brush their teeth a little more rough than adults while learning the proper brushing technique. It is also essential that you change your toothbrush after you are sick. If you have a compromised immune system or health issues, we recommend a replacement to get rid of the bacterial build up that lives on the bristles. Taking precaution will also help avoid spreading your germs to any other toothbrushes placed close to yours and their chances of getting sick decrease.
At What Age Should You Start Bringing Your Child To The Dentist? In America, most children don’t see their family dentist until the age of 2 or 3 as recommended by dental professionals unless there is a clear reason that you should pay a visit sooner. Some parents find comfort in having their child visit the dentist once the first tooth comes through regardless of age. This is a good opportunity as a parent to learn how best to care for their children’s teeth. The best way to prepare your child is to share your experience in a positive manner to avoid any development of anxiety. Role play and take turns playing dentist where you switch off who the patient and the dentist is. Take your time to examine each other’s mouths to get familiar with the idea of what is happening during an exam. Talk up the upcoming dental visit with enthusiasm and be sure to tell your child how well they did and make time to allow them to ask you or the dentist questions to ease any fears.
What Is Better, Flossing Or Waterpik? Many people are starting to wonder if using a water pick is a better alternative to traditional flossing. Water flossing with a waterpik utilizes a special machine that sends a direct stream of pressurized water directly into the gums. This method uses the pressure of the water to push the food away from the teeth, rather than scraping the teeth to remove plaque as traditional flossing does. Flossing is great for removing excess food off of the teeth, but can have difficulty reaching some areas of the mouth especially if you have difficulty holding the floss. While there is no better method between flossing or using a water pick, it is recommended to use both if possible. This gives you a better chance of removing unwanted food particles hiding in hard to reach places with the two methods. People with restorations may find a waterpik to be more comfortable if they have more sensitive areas around the gums. A water pick can ensure a cleaner mouth if flossing isn’t a great feeling.