With Christmas and New Year’s just around the corner, our team at Crossroads Family Dentistry wants to make sure you’re able to enjoy them. A nagging and painful dental problem is the last thing you should have to deal with during the holidays, here are some helpful tips to prevent untreated teeth, how to identify issues and treat tooth pain.
You may not always be able to avoid dental emergencies, especially during this time of year when there are several temptations that could be of danger to your oral health. You can damage your teeth unexpectedly from hard handy, to platters of crunchy garden vegetables, turkey legs, or even consuming too many sweets. Our first advice is to practice prevention, be sure to keep up with your dental examinations especially if you notice something feels different. Your dentist may be able to spot any areas which look like they could potentially cause a problem and will recommend any treatment if needed.
We’ve put together a list of the most common holiday treats that damage your teeth the most: eggnog, candy canes, holiday sugar cookies, potato latkes and the traditional sugar it is dipped in, and finally caramel popcorn. Consider switching things up and choose holiday treats that can strengthen your teeth especially If you start to feel achy teeth when eating and drinking sugary treats.
Even when you have done your best before the celebrations start, sometimes a toothache just can’t be avoided. In preparation for the unexpected, especially if you aren’t able to visit your dentist, be prepared with some painkillers in case you have a flare-up, you may not be able to find an appointment for a day or two should you need to visit a dental practice.
One last thing to consider during the busy holiday season is to recognize how easy is it to let your guard down and skip your usual teeth cleaning habits or routine. We all know it is a bad idea this time of the year when those habits are needed the most. Take a moment to recommit to your oral health routine and make time to brush and floss those teeth, remember to bring your kids into this plan to make sure they are also prioritizing their teeth. As your dentist in Colorado Springs, we wish you a pain-free holiday season full of joy. Could your new year’s resolution potentially be to get a dental check-up after the holidays? Even this would be a great start to the new year.